What goods do I require on province y or tournament x?

Well I can't tell you what you need exactly, but I can tell what goods you need mostly. For that we need to go look at the relics overvieuw, this can be found either in the main hall, or in the relic overvieuw page. Since most people have some gold stored in there main hall, lets go to the relic overvieuw page.

First go to the world map and look for this symbol at the bottom of the screen.

This will open the following window.

As you can see, I added a few buttons with the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
In provinces with the same number the goods required mostly (but not exclusively) are the goods with the same number.

So In a Scroll province/tournament you will be asked to negotiate mostly with Steel, Scrolls and Magic Dust, since they all got the number 2 button.

TIP: The negotiation cost of tournaments go up very fast and into numbers you will never encounter on the world map. from mid game onwards try to (auto)fight the tournaments and negotiate the world map. As for combat it's the opposith, the world map losses become increasingly larger while you can fight many combats with the same losses on the tournaments.