Provinces: Planks

The information found here will be updated every tournament cycle with the latest updates on how to fight your enemies.

The planks wonders is a fairly easy province for elf players, your enemies consist of mainly light ranged and melee with some heavy melee as the counter unit.

Team Evil: Marauders of the West





Orc General

Team Good: The Elvish Saints

Main Units Side Units

Archer / Dryad



Golems and Archers are your main units in this province, and for most players the only units they will use. If you have no access to the Elite Archer then the Dryad is a very good alternative. Golems are great agains both the Orcs and the light ranged units. but it's weak agains the Orc Generals.

You usually send in squads of golems assisted with some archers to deal with the Orc Generals. If 3 or more Orc generals are present, you will use many archers assisted with some golems where needed.
On round one let the enemy come to you and move your archers accordingly to avoid being hit on round one by one of the enemy ranged units. On the second round focus your attacks on the Orcs that just moved into range, there attack power is very high but there hitpoints are weak, since you golem have no defence (only an amazing offense) agains the Orcs, neutralize them first. if you leave the orcs unchecked you will be slaugtered.
In most cases you bring 1 or 2 squads of archers to deal with the generals. If you are only up agains a single general you can ignore the archer and bring in all golems, just swarm attack the general simply overwheling it.

Always keep a golem in the line of sight of the enemy ranged units, in almost all cases the light ranged units will attack the golems instead of your weaker Archer as long as you keep them behind and close to the golems.

Treant can only be used manually, there is a mayor AI issue with this unit, if you deplay for example 5 squads of treants agains 6 troops of orcs 1 troop of orc general and 1 squad of any light ranged, you will loose the battle!!!!! the treant will simply not attack the light ranged unit and that unit will simply kill all of your treants slowly. In manual mode you can use them since this will ignore this AI glitch.

Team Good: The Human Defenders

Main Units Side Units

Crossbowman / Dryad



This ain't the easiest province for humans,

Cannoneers are the main unit you will use in the province since it's has attack bonus agains both light melee and light ranged units. Use the crossbowmen and dryads to deal with the orc generals, on most provinces mixing 1 squad of these in your warband will be enough to deal with the generals
If you have access to the Orc Strategist then use them, there a decent alternative for the golems and surely better than the cannoneers.

In case of overwhelming hordes of orc generals the crossbowmen and dryads are your best friend, the paladin can be of great help in case of overwheling hored of Orcs.

Take not that the Orcs (light melee) have a very high attack power, but little health, always attack them first to make sure they can't decimate your troops before dealing with the light ranged units. If you have access to the rad mortar, always mix in 1 of them with your attack troops, it's defense breaking power can assist your other troops in killing the enemy fast.