Provinces: Marble

This province is far from easy but also not the most difficult either, Your troops will be opposed by troups consisting of heavy melee, heavy ranged and light ranged units with a focus on heavy melee.

Team Evil: Marauders of the West


Orc General



WARNING: Be aware of the mistwalkers, there initiative is unbeatable disallowing you access to the sneak-peak tactic for free.

Team Good: The Elvish Saints

Main Units Side Units


Sorceress/Blossom Mage



Bring out the power of your Needles of the Tempest as your main unit to combat this province is the archer, and an increase in it's damage output is a very welcome gift.
Unfortunatly ther is not a single unit thats really good in this province and the archer is the best of the rest. I has a high damage output against heavy melee. The main unit you wil encounter in this province, it's ok agains the pesky wistwalkers and rubbish agains the cannoneer, but as long as the cannoneers do not exeed 1 per province you should be just fine.

When no pesky mistwalkers are around and there are cannons pointed towards you the sorceress is the alternative main unit, and the blossom mage is even a lot better. If a single mistwalkers roams around try to mix archer and sorceress / blossom mage to get better results.

The golem is around to deal will large numbers of mistwalkers, and the treant can be used to deal with massive numbers of cannoneers, not a common sight but they are there.

As always try to experiment with combinations of these units to find out what works best.

note: I am sure someone gonna ask me why not dryads? there damage agains heavy melee is better than that of the archers and they have defence
Well there are 2 reason I did not pick them. one of them is the type of heavy melee units you are facing, these are in 90% of the cases orc generals. Unlike knights the orc general is unable to reach the archer, this makes the extra defence agains heavy melee units not usefull. the second reason is related to the first, the dryad has considerably less hitpoints than the archer making it less survavable agains the mistwalkers ern cannoneers you will face in this province.
As cherry in the cacke, if you have acess to the elite archer it's damage increasing special power makes it's damage potential better than that of any dryads we have access to.

Team Good: The Human Defenders

Main Units Side Units

Crossbowman / Dryad




Bring out the power of your Needles of the Tempest as your main unit to combat this province is the crossbowman / Dryad, and an increase in it's damage output is a very welcome gift.
Unfortunaly no unit is undisputed the best in this province, and neither am I convinced which of the 2 licht ranged units is the best. The Crossbowman doesn't have a great damage output but a good amount of hitpoints making him survive longer, on the other hand the damage output from the dryad especially to heavy melee units is amazing but her hitpoints are lacking a lot compared to the crossbowmen which can become probelematic agains the mistwalkers you face. so try them out and see what works best. but I would probebly choose the master crossbowman because if his special power if I have access to this unit. As long as there is no more than 1 cannoneer on the battlefield the light range units should do just fine.

When no pesky mistwalkers are around to annoy your priests pick him, his range is long enough to stay out of the hands of the knights and orc generals, while at the same time he has a decent defence against the cannoneers. When a single mistwalker is around mix up the priest with some crossbowmen or dryads to deal with the mistwalkers

The mortar is around to deal with the mistwalkers if there comming in large numbers, if you have access to the orc strategist use him instead. he is very good agains licht ranged units and aint as flimsy and lacking as the cannoneer. at best we use the mortar because of lack of something better, unfortunatly not because he is good. The paladins are there to deal with the few fights you encounter consisting of 6 cannoneers and a knight and mistalker.

As always try to experiment with these units to see what works best in your situation.